Select your image file to upload:

What Is This Website?

Image Sanitize aims to help people become more aware about their digital footprint that is often present in images. Most pictures taken on modern smartphones or digital cameras have the ability to store additional information hidden within the image itself. This hidden information is also known as metadata and can sometimes contain PII (Personally Identifiable Information) that you may or may not want to share with others. The goal of this website is to allow users to upload an image file and then choose to remove this metadata, sanitizing the image file.

How Does It Work?

Simply choose an image to upload and click the Upload button. If any metadata is present in the image it will be displayed. In order to respect user privacy as much as possible, absolutely no information about your uploaded images or the images themselves are saved on our server.

Why Does This Website Matter?

Amongst other things, image metadata can contain geolocation data about where the image was taken, the name of the photographer, exact dates and times of when the image was taken, information about the type of device that took the photo and much more. While some of these may not seem like a security risk to the average person, Image Sanitize believes that everyone should have the right to digital privacy and to share as much or as little information as they wish.